
My name is Richard,

As a young boy, I was always interested in health and wellness. My parents were both very active and healthy people, so I grew up thinking that this was just the way life was supposed to be. I loved going for walks with my mom, swimming in the pool, and playing outside.

I remember when I was about 10 years old, my mom sat me down and told me about health and wellness. She explained that our minds, bodies, and spirits all played a role in our overall health and well-being. At first, I thought she was crazy! This idea was just too radical for a long time. But over time, I started to see the truth in it.

You won’t find any medical advice here on my website – only reliable resources intended to help guide you on your journey to a happy, healthier lifestyle. A lifestyle that is based on whole health and wellness is not only good for your physical body, but also your mental and emotional wellbeing as well.