The Top Benefits of Yoga to Entrepreneurs,
According to Yogis Around the Nation

Starting a business can be incredibly challenging and intimidating. It is a huge leap of faith, as it requires an individual to take risks with their financial security, invest their time and energy into the venture, and develop skills that they may not have previously possessed. The pressure of making the business successful can become overwhelming, leading to stress-induced exhaustion, physical discomfort, and even burnout. Thankfully, calming activities such as yoga can be extremely beneficial for aspiring entrepreneurs in helping them to cope with these difficulties.

In this roundup, we polled yoga experts across the nation to help us understand what the biggest benefits of yoga are to entrepreneurs by asking each of them a single question:

“What would YOU say are the benefits of yoga to entrepreneurs?”

Create a Calmer Mind to Let Creativity Flow
“Yoga can help create a calmer mind from which creativity springs, along with a more balanced system to engage the world with grace.”
Katey Branch, Owner, Instructor, Halls Pond Healing Arts

Better Understand Client Needs
“What your clients need/want becomes much clearer when you’re experiencing the calmness inherent in the practice of yoga.”
Paula Heitzner, Owner, Instructor, Nyack Yoga Center

Yoga Brings Entrepreneurs Energy, Peace and Humor
“It’s my experience that yoga is indispensable in the life of an entrepreneur! Yoga practice provides ballast (stability) while navigating the storms and successes of entrepreneurship. It can facilitate abundant energy, peace of mind, and a sense of humor; all valuable traits for souls sailing the seas of successful entrepreneurship. Yoga provides an opportunity for joy and peace throughout the moments of each day. Its practice assists in cultivating a clarity that benefits and enhances the life of entrepreneurs. It’s my experience that yoga is indispensable in the life of an entrepreneur!”
Emilia Bohac, Owner, Instructor

Aligning Your Essence
“Yoga is attention on balance throughout. Mental, physical/emotional body, & spiritual bodies up to Atman. In focusing, you find you can take certain actions to balance excess & deficiency. Bringing the being into wholeness or Oneness. Aligning the essence of you makes you a bit better at everything. Including entrepreneurship. More practice and more is coming.”
Erin Caputo, Owner, Instructor, I AM. Yoga

Yoga Fuels Entrepreneurship!
“Yoga is a great practice for entrepreneurs. Yoga is known to help relieve stress, relieve pain, and aid in relaxation and creativity, which is all very important for entrepreneurship. Yoga is not only a physical but a mental and spiritual practice as well –  it’s grounding and helps people connect with themselves. This is great for entrepreneurs since they are so busy and deal with a lot of stressors, and it’s great for them to take some time to come back to themselves and reconnect.”
Tamara Fayad, Owner, Instructor

Calm the Mind. Invigorate the Spirit.
“Yoga helps to calm the mind, stretch the body and invigorate the spirit. Yoga and meditation guides me, informs my decision making, soothes me when things don’t go exactly as planned, and gives me a sense of overall well-being.”
Anita Perry, Owner, Instructor

Want to weigh in? We’d love to hear from you, too!

“What would YOU say are the benefits of yoga to entrepreneurs?”

Contact us today with your answer to this question!